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Avmaven Executionmaven For Mac

카테고리 없음

by cepasgelez1984 2020. 2. 14. 15:05


Avmaven Executionmaven For Mac
  1. Maven Exec Maven Plugin
  2. Maven Plugin Execution Order
  3. Download Maven For Mac

We are working in a multi-module maven project in both Linux machine and Mac machine with the same pom.xml, and we run the below command in offline mode mvn install antrun:run -o The problem is maven downloads a different version of plugins for the same pom.xml file. Maven Environment Setup - Learn Maven in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Overview, Environment Setup, POM, Build Life Cycle, Build profiles, Repositories, Plug-ins, Creating Project, Build & Test Project, External Dependencies, Project Documents, Project Templates, Snapshot, Build Automation, Dependency Management, Deployment Automation. I have a mac running snow leopard (10.6.8) with the latest apple version of JDK6 install (1.6.0_33) and maven version 3.0.3. I have just checked out the.

Remove the configuration for maven-install-plugin cause the given jar file is available from maven central this can simply be achieved by defining it as a dependency.Remove the usage of maven-antrun-plugin cause creating a zip archive can be done with maven-assembly-plugin. Furthermore the configuration wth maven-resources-plugin does not make sense cause if this is a WAR project you should use packaging war instead etc.Apart from that what kind of differences do you really have between mac and linux both are linux based and you are using Java there shouldn't be an issue.? – Aug 27 at 18:05.

I am trying to bundle a java program for Mac users. I first found that explains how to do it with Ant, and then, I found that seems perfect for Maven. So I added to my pom: sh.tak.appbundler appbundle-maven-plugin 1.1.0 xxx xxx??? Package bundle (I also found that explains some details about Mac bundles and why to use appbundler) The only issue is that on every example I found, I see xxx.jdk. But I am running this under Ubuntu, so I only have the GNU/Linux jdk.

Maven Exec Maven Plugin


Maven Plugin Execution Order

Where can I find the Mac jdk? On the, I can only find the dmg file. I extracted the dmg and got an hfs.

Download Maven For Mac

I mounted the hfs and got a pkg. I extracted the pkg, and have now more file I don't know what to do with.